Our school district allows parents to come and eat with the kids anytime they want. Well, today I went and ate school pizza with Sydney and since Melia has lunch right after, I stayed to eat with her too. I was going to eat with Melia tomorrow but I didn't think that I'd have time. When a parent comes to eat with their child the child gets to pick a friend and the two kids and the parent get to eat at a table more "grown-up-friendly". Sydney chose her friend Judith and she was quite a chatter box, which is a lot less awkward than a very shy kid, imo. Melia chose her bff Beth, they were both crazy! (but cute!) As you can imagine, I came home stuffed and both my girls and their friends had a fun lunch (me too!) I told the girls when they got home that I was going to go eat lunch with them on separate days from now on. Sydney said that I should only come once a month and when she gets in the 7th grade I was not to come at all. I don't blame her. How embarrassing would it be if your mom came to eat lunch with you and all your middle school friends?? LOL!
In Melia's class there are four little deaf boys and a girl with deaf parents. I think that is just really cool! There are four assistants to the teacher (three are interpreters). One of these little boys is "very hansom" according to Melia :). The whole experience is just very different from my days at McKean Elementary.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Two School Lunches
Posted by Becky at 4:22 PM 1 comments | Permalink
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Flea Spay...Work of the Devil??
I have two dogs...my two dogs have flea issues, they also have issues with the flea spray. I sprayed Max because he was constantly dealing with itching and the bugs crawling all over him. I felt bad and sprayed him and, mind you, rubbed him down for 20 min. (what dog wouldn't love a 20 min rub down?) while the spray dried. Well, he thought the whole process was not necessary but endured it and then continued to rub himself down on a towel I put down for him in the kitchen (only after I shut every door in the house and yelled at him, in a stern voice, for rubbing down on the door mat because it is very dirty, and who wants a dirty dog?). I put a towel down for him as some sort of comfort but it doesn't really get anything off of him (but he thinks that it does! :) ) He got mad at me for spraying him, but he has no problem chasing the cats in the barn who don't really like Max's game of "tag" and then they scratch his eyes out and Max comes in with swelled up eyes (for the fifth time)?!!! And he contiunes to play "tag" with them. (is he as dumb as a brick?) So , he's mad at me and wouldn't even look my way for hours now. Fluke, well, I ambushed her and sprayed her (while she was making every effort to escape) and then I quickly covered her up with her blanket where she has stayed (no doubt sulking). My dogs still look at me with a disapproving look in their eyes....
Posted by Becky at 11:38 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Human Body
I've been experiencing a lot of stress latley, what with school (my classes), kids (and their homework), you know, life in general. Mom has been helping me (all be it painfully) and I've been helping her by her working one me. It's a cycle. Well, she worked on my feet (reflexology) nice, but ouch sometimes! She did some energy work where I had to do some SERIOUS deep breathing, which is HARD for an hour, (I'm a chest breather which is not the best kind) she is a seriously execellent worker on the energy let me tell ya, I didn't feel so good after, I went home and took a nap. (I need serious work!) Well, today mom did some work to release all the stress that I carry in my shoulders and chest. It was all great and I felt SO much better after! It was so nice to have all that energy released....all except the poking in my armpit! I mean it was my underarm! It was funny until it hurt....(mom was great... but it's my underarm!) Webster's deffinition of armpit is- the cavity beneath the shoulder. No one is supposted to go there! Then I looked up the word 'cavity' - the hollow place or part (not a poking part!!) And hollow? - sunken. All of these meanings lead me to the conclusion that it hurts like hell when you press and grind really hard to fix some sort of hidden muscle hidden way below the surface, but if it helps me not to be a hunchback than I'm all for it....my armpits are still sore....but my shoulders are not! Yeah! Thanks, Mom! What people go through to feel better! It's all good.
Posted by Becky at 10:13 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Saturday, September 20, 2008
School time...
School time does not equal summer or weekend time. It seems that 7 hours during school days is no where as long as 7 hours during the weekend. During the week I wake up at 6:40 and am showered and ready to go by 7:00 A.M. I get the girls up and dress them, brush their hair, get Sydney's glasses cleaned, and then pack them in the car and take them to school. Well, by the time I do some school work, run some errands, and maybe chill out for an hour, it's time to pick up Melia from Pre-K, then Sydney comes home on the bus and life continues. We are finally at the point were the kids clean up after themselves. Of course I have to pay them (allowance)! Well, that's what we've made allowance all about. It's made my life easier let me tell ya! I also have to admit that this semester SUCKS!!!! I'm sooooo tired of it! With that said, I only have 10 weeks to go.
A good thing happened today, I didn't have to wait in line to get gas! It seems that only four gas stations in my area actually have gas and today I didn't have to wait to actually get some. There's a pay first, $50 limit to gas at $3.89 a gal. The world is coming to an end and Chris can tell you all about it. Today he went into Walmart to get some razors....well, they were locked up and he had to wait 10 min to have them unlocked and then when he tried to take them from her she said that she would have to accompany him to the register and then he said that he didn't want them now! Razors! He came home is a tizzy. Chris: "I waited 10 min for them to unlock the razors. Then when the lady came she asked if she could help me. I said I need some Gillette razors. She unlocked them, I held out my hand and she said,"NO! I have to take them up to the cash register." I said I don't want them now. Then she said, "YOU DON'T WANT THEM NOW?" No, I don't want them now and then I walked away. "I'll buy my razors anywhere else but HERE!!!!" DOWN WITH WALMART!!!! Then I went over to Food Lion and told the nice people there about the ordeal with WalMart and they were very heart stricken. One of the employee's was SHOCKED that Walmart felt the need to lock up the razors." This is Chris's story...he was pissed. "Who steals freaking razors from WalMart????" said Chris.
The world is coming to and end. How's your WalMart treating you?????
Posted by Becky at 9:28 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Friday, September 12, 2008
Life with homework
My weeks are consumed with homework.....I have 3 online classes with a lot of essays and papers and then Sydney comes home with at least 2 hours of homework a night. It's now time to get used to the homework for Sydney. Poor kid! She has 30 min of reading+ math+ spelling,+English homework = a lot of time and energy! School for the girls isn't all bad. They enjoy talking about their common teachers for gym, music, and art classes. I think that it is great that the girls have something to talk about for school. I on the other hand have serious senoritas!!!! I am so tired of it all! I managed to get the housework under control though. I manage to keep at least one room clean at a time! Let me tell ya, 6 hours summer time is not equal to 6 hours school time. I get up at 6:30 shower, do my hair, get the girls up, get them ready for school, drop them off, home by 8:00, do my school work, and then all of the sudden it's 2:00 and time to pick up Melia. I get things done but OMG!, all the reading I have to do for these online classes! (14 weeks and I graduate.....one assignment done means one check off my list for graduation on Dec. 15) This year is the first year Gardner Webb University (the school I am now attending) is having a fall graduation. I plan to walk the stage and have a party at my place. You all are welcome! just RSVP.....lol! Anyway, I have a slight means to an end with my schooling.....now to get my girls through theirs. Sometimes I get so stressed out with all that I have to do I just sit and stare into space.....what is it that I have to do today?....That's when I feel that I have gone off the deep end of the world....that I learned is actually flat according to my Golbal Understanding class, but that is beside the point. Please, send me all your encourging thoughts (and answers to all my test questions...just kidding!) as I get through the next few months....I may end up with less hair, but at least I'll end up with a BA! LOL...haha....omg....I want to keep my 3.8 gpa but as long as I pass....that's where I am right now. Learning all the time learning....stressing all the time stressing....and then graduating! Yeah!
Posted by Becky at 10:54 PM 0 comments | Permalink
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Phineas and Ferb
This summer my girls introduced me to this faboulous show called Phieneas and Ferb on Disney channel.
It's all about these two step brothers who are on summer vacation and everyday they create huge things like a backyard beach and a roller coaster to the moon. Their older sister Candice is always trying to bust them to their mom but whenever she tries to show their mom what the boy's have been up to for the day it disappears because of Dr. Dufinshmertis the "evil scientist" (yet very naive) nemesis of Phineas' pet plateaus Perry's scheme makes whatever the boy's had created disappear, much to the dismay of Candice. I think it's hilarious because Ferb (the green haired one) only has one or two lines and he is always soooo serious! Phineas is the master mind and is just so lovable! Anyway, all the accents and the subtle grown-up (slightly dry) humor makes this show an all-time fav of mine. Here's a link to the beach party song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulA4T9RQPa0 I think that's totally funny and that you all should watch at least one show, especially the one where there's a giant man robot named Norm....all too funny! I have to congratulate the writers of this show! LOVE IT! Have a great Day!
Posted by Becky at 1:27 AM 0 comments | Permalink
Monday, September 1, 2008
Get well get together
Posted by Becky at 7:29 PM 2 comments | Permalink