Well, Tater is back to her playful self as of this morning. She is eating and drinking like normal and has put on a few ounces. She weighed in at 10 lbs when she went to the hospital. Now, you need to know that she is about 14 inches tall and nothing but legs and a few ounces is completely noticeable on her. I tried to take some lively pictures of her but all she wanted to do is lay down and spread her legs for a good rub down. :)
and Tater is content just to feel better! She is such a fighter! GO GIRL! If she were a cat she'd only have 7 lives left....let's hope she uses the next 14 years to use them up!
When I took Fluke in to get her shots Max tried and tried to get into the car. I think that he felt a little abandoned. Tater was gone and now Fluke was on her way out...OMG! He wasn't that comforted when I told him that I'd return with Fluke in tow in about an hour. He probably heard this..."blah,blah, Max. blah, blah, blah, Fluke. blah, blah, blah, good boy! blah, blah!" and I drove a way. Needless to say, he was happy to see her about an hour later. All is good with my pups.
Next thing...
Melia loves horses and riding on them, good thing because that's Chris' favorite thing! Sunday is the best day for riding and Melia got to drive the mule herself! yay! Spanky is about 17 years old and about as rambunctious as a turtle, so he is the best animal to learn on, well almost. You see he likes to walk a few paces and then stop and admire life's beauty (I guess that's what he's doing) so Chris taught Melia that you need to make him go! Yeah, and they traveled about 10 paces and Spanky decided to enjoy the view!...again. LOL
some instruction.....
first of all, wahoo! about Tater! I am so glad she is doing well! It is soooo sweet to see Chris with Melia! Those are memories that will last their lifetime!
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