Thursday, July 31, 2008

One Mixed Up Bird

While at the beach, Chris and I saw what seemed to be a cross between a Pidgin and a Seagull. LOL! Chris pointed out this strange bird to me and I just had to take a few pictures.

He seemed to roam around aimlessly and let other birds know that he wasn't going to be pushed around. (a complex??? maybe..) Anyway, he was a hoot to watch and a strange guy to look at. Funny things are everywhere...(Dr. Seuss) You know that 'Seuss' is in the spellcheck dictionanry? lol

Monday, July 28, 2008

Our weekend trip to the beach

This summer we decided to visit Myrtle Beach, SC in our effort to stimulate the government (so to speak). Above is the view we had from our room! The girls had never seen the ocean before and Chris and I haven't been there in 10+ years so we thought it was high time. The hotel we stayed at was not the most glamorous but it suited us just the same. Couldn't beat the view! To make our trip a little longer we left after Chris got home from work and we were on the road by 5 p.m. Well, we hit a monster storm just outside the beach and let me tell ya that was stressful! The roads were slightly flooded and I had a hard time seeing were I was driving. But wouldn't you know it, the rain stopped just a few miles from the hotel and when we got to the hotel and looked out on the ocean there was a fantastic lightning show. What a nice first view of the beach!

Every morning Chris took the girls out while I took my shower and got ready for the day. I took this picture from our balcony (pretty good for so far away, it was also hazy).

We went to the local WalMart and picked up some body boards for the girls. They were catching some serious surf! Sydney got really good at it, by the last day she was riding the waves all the way in to the shore! Oh, and we all discovered that salt water is the most nasty tasting water in the world! One taste and you barf your guts up! Not to mention if it gets in your eyes! Ouch!

The hotel had a lazy river and two hot tubs and kiddy pools.

We also went to the aquarium and saw the sharks and stingrays and a creepy octopus. I didn't take any pictures there because I didn't want to carry it around. I did get a picture of Sydney with the crazy glasses you wear at the IMAX 3D theater. LOL! We all looked silly. We saw a show about dolphins and whales. It was really cool seeing the fins and bubbles right in front of our faces.

We walked down to the pier and watched people fish. It was a big attraction when someone caught something.

Of course all the luvies came along....

By the end of the trip we all needed a vacation from our vacation! We left on a Sunday, along with 2,000 other people. It took us 2 hours just to get through the traffic...errrr. Don't want to leave the beach on a Sunday! While stuck in traffic, I saw a sign that I just had to take a picture of.

WHAT THE??????? Evidently you can wash something in hot water for a buck, get your oil changed, and someone had a baby girl.....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Games Kids Play

Today I was scheduled to take my FIL to his weekly VA meeting. My FIL has Agent Orange from fighting in Korea and it has now affected his brain. He's gotten to the point were he can't remember names (even less than before) so a conversation goes something like this... "I wanted to get that thing from that boy over at that place." Meanwhile his teeth are falling down and he mumbles....such is a conversation with my FIL. He's also a junk collector. I've fought his junk collecting for 10 years and I've now given up. If you can't beat 'em join 'em. So I've become an encourager (somewhat) now I think it's a little funny. So anyway we stopped by the store after my FIL's meeting and picked up some toys for the kids. Sydney got a toy police kit and Melia played cops with the was the only thing with two "arms"

"You're under arrest!"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Swimmin' Hole

This afternoon we went to a swimmin' hole up by Lake James. It's a cool little place owned by a neighbor of Tony's. It's got a waterfall and swinging rope. Nice little place, but those darn rocks hurt the feet!

Ah! The days of summer.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Daze

This summer we got a pool. It was either that or listen to constant requests to visit the park or Chris' mom (she has a pool). So we invested a little and bought a pool. About 3 years ago we got one of those e-z set up pools with the blow up ring. Well, we have barn cats and they would jump up on the pool and put tiny little holes which caused the ring to deflate and let out all the water! Made me so frustrated! I started seeing these metal framed pools popping up all over our neighborhood, and I thought I'd give it a shot. So far it's been great! Melia is getting used to swimming in somewhat deep water and she has found that she even likes to go under water. Good for her! The pool has been a REALLY good thing.

Sydney got her glasses today. They look really stylin'. Her old glasses were round, and that just isn't the style anymore, so her new frames are roundish square. Her insurance covers a new pair of glasses every year so that's good. The Rx gets less each year, also good.
I had an issue with my car license plate being revoked, but I jumped through their hoops, and fix all that. I have finals this Saturday and have to drive an hour each way just to take them. I've been a little stressed this week to say the least, and it's only Monday! I can make it! Tomorrow's another day!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our Pig

Not much is happening around so here's a picture of our pig. She ran away from the neighbors about three years ago and they tried to take her back but she ran away again. So she's ours. She likes to eat the horses' feed (they don't like that) and she sometimes digs around in our yard. I can't really complain, I wouldn't want to be locked up either. Max likes to play with her but she's not into it. I don't know what will happen to her in the end (we all have one, you know) but she is rather intertaining. In the fall and winter she gets into the feed buckets and messes up the barn, that's a pig for ya! Anyway, just thought I'd let the world know about our pig. LOL.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cocoa Sitting

This weekend I am Cocoa sitting. (That is to say that I am taking care of mom's toy poddle, Cocoa) She is so little and cute! She just adores Sydney and can't wait to wake her up in the morning. Cocoa will stand outside Sydney's door and wine so that she can crawl around Sydney's head and lick her face. What a trip! Here's a pic of Cocoa....

Sydney and Cocoa

With Cocoa with us we have three (3) dogs roaming around. There's Fluke (our old biddy)....

She's afraid of most everything and likes to just chill out.

And of course, our king of the castle, Max... with such long legs!

He makes himself at home most anywhere....even places he's not supose to be! All-in-all the dogs get along well and have found there own positions in the house.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What A Day!

Today was a VERY painful day for Sydney (because of her braces). Poor thing. So, to take her mind off of things, I took her out for ice cream and a day at Martha's Park.

We had a good time but it was stormy. My gut told me to leave so we did, good thing too because when we got home the sky opened and buckets of water came down. All in all, Sydney made it through the day and so did Melia and I. Tomorrow should be less painful. Here's hoping.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Braces!

This afternoon Sydney got her braces! She did so well!!! I was so proud! She hates the doctor or anyone doing anything to her. Well, she sat so still and the orthodontists were so nice. In fact Dr. Gragg (the orthodontist) called her later after appointment just to check up on her. She even wanted to talk to Sydney personally! I tell ya, the service alone is worth the $$$. I am so pleased with how it is going, actually, so is Sydney. The more positive experience Sydney gets with Dr's the better. She has such an ingrain fear. It's nice to see her not be afraid.

The odd thing is that around here (with middle school aged kids) it's the cool thing to have braces. Some kids want them who don't even need them! Imagine that.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hail Storm!

This afternoon we had a server fast moving thunderstorm. It started out with a bunch of hail. Sounded like the sky opened up and dumped a bunch of marbles on us. I moved my minivan into the barn to avoid any damage. Then 25 minuets later the sun came out and it looked like nothing happened....weird weather I tell ya! I picked up a piece of hail on my way back from the barn.....

Our Boating Trip

Yesterday Tony's family and my family rented a boat and went out on Lake James. I was afraid that our trip was going to be canceled because when I woke up yesterday morning it was raining and foggy. It just looked like an awful day weather wise! Weather around here is somewhat odd though, it can be raining in town and sunny at my house, so we decided to go anyway and the rain held off. We even had some sun!

Melia just loved the boat. :)

Sydney was just a picture of happiness!

Chris drove the boat like a real pro. I guess that watching Uncle Gale on those past boating trips really paid off!
Tony's little girl, Becky, was running all over the boat and was so cute. She even tried to drive!

We found a fabulous little beach that the girls could get out and swim. Sydney found a lot of clam shells. We grilled hambergers and hotdogs while we were there too.

We had a fabulous view!

Melia and Becky

Some of us got really tired!

We stopped for one last swim, and one last trick! lol

I was there too! (I just am better behind the camera!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Well, Sydney made it back from camp all in one piece. She had a great time and can't wait to go back next year. I measured this afternoon and she's grown an inch and a half since march. She's now 4 ft 9 in and legally fits the car seat belts. This summer has been full of Dr. appointments for Sydney. First, her Dr. check up, then a few trips to the dentist (not fun), and a few trips to the orthodontist for some top braces, and an eye exam and new glasses. The dentist told me when she was about 4 years old that there wasn't enough room for all of her teeth and that she would need braces when she got older. Well, the time has come and we are going to fix them now before it becomes a social issue. Kids can be cruel and anything we can fix before middle school we will. Her eyes are growing and her glasses RX is getting less and less (a very good thing).

My dog Max is a trip! He likes to go outside and get really hot and then come in and sit in the hall by the AC. I found that if I take the cover off of the central heater in the hall that a whole bunch of cold air comes out when the AC is on! I showed Max this cool spot a few weeks ago and now he comes in and just plops down there. lol

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2, 2008

I've finally made it to the world of blogging. I'm a blogger.
It's been quite calm and peaceful around here this week. Sydney went to camp and is no doubt having the time of her life. Having only one kid home is so much easier! A lot less fighting and crying and such. Melia will start pre-k this fall and is extremely excited about it. It's all day and just like kindergarten except she won't ride the bus. Needless to say I'm excited too! I finally get to do things without interruption. It seems like I haven't been able to do anything (even pee) with out an audience. Even the dog follows me everywhere I go!
Well, I only have 3 more classes until I have my degree! Seems like I've been going to school forever! I've been in college (for different things) for 6 Anyway, 3 little classes and I will be done.
I took Melia to Martha's Park this afternoon and she had a blast. The park has a water area that shoots up water from the ground in different formations and all the kids run around in it. My girls could stay for hours. We have a pool (an e-z set up with metal legs) but they enjoy the change of pace with the park.