Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm going to go ahead and pretend that it hasn't been 5 months since I last blogged.....

So it's time to close the pool, well, that's easy to say isn't it? but i was told that you can't just take all the water out of the pump and throw a cover over it and call it 'winterized'. NO! you have to kill all the algae that's been growing for the past month or so...yeah. Well, 10 gallons of bleach later the pool water is now blue (not clear but blue). Now comes phase 2, baking soda. By the way, there seems to be a limit to the amount of baking soda that you can buy before you get weird looks.....I think that it's about 60 lbs but I'm not quite sure. (?) I told Chris that we were going to go swimming one more time before we closed the pool. It's been about 78* during the day so it is possible.
Tonight is our little elementary school's homecoming. :) My little Melia is a cheerleader and seems to have a little admirer from the football team. awww. I find all of this very fascinating, the whole cheerleader/football player thing. I was in the marching band so I got to see such things. It's high school all over again! LOL. Anyway, tonight is the dance and tomorrow is the big game! I love our home games! Go team!