Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dog Squats

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our pool exploded and the clouds were pretty

It has been raining, and raining, and raining. Well, our pool didn't fair very well because the ground sank beneath the legs... It put up a good fight, became lop sided and then exploded. The kids of the neighborhood enjoyed it for a few swims. This afternoon Sydney noticed a leak (more like a mini fountain) so I duct taped it (because Red Green seems to know how to fix things with duct tape and they seemed to work. :) ) I had a gut feeling that I needed to just give up on the P.O.S (piece of shit...yeah, I'm ticked) so while I was looking on-line for the price of above ground pools I hear a "whoosh" yeah the pool exploded all over the already soaked yard....I laughed so I wouldn't cry. The little hole became a 5 foot hole, and gushed out a bunch of water, OK, all the water.....

"Hey Pa, let's go out to the Wal-Mart and get us a swimmin' pool" (run away Pa, run away fast!)...yeah, that'll be worth it! NO! it will look like this next year!

After our pool exploded all over our yard, I noticed that the clouds were just simply gorgeous!!! so I took some pictures.....

So, our pool exploded and clouds have silver linings...or are just really pretty.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Why We Have A Deck

Why do we have a new(ish) deck? So we can hang all the towels of course!

The neighborhood children came over to swim. I went out to check on them and they seemed to be having a really good time so I jumped in with all my clothes on! They were totally surprised and we had a really good time! (I rock!)

I recently found Max's old collar and decided that he needed to wear it....he hasn't been too thrilled with my decision. He seems to resent me for domesticating him. Just look at the humiliation in his eyes....poor guy.
And Tater is doing really great!! She has the 9 lives of a cat...well, 7 now. She's a strong chick! Yeah, she's gorgeous.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What's Growing On

I thought that I would show off my potted plants because they are doing REALLY well! Yay!
The yellow flowers have been kinda choked out....oh, well.
These yellow flowers are doing a little better...

The pot by the back door isn't filling out as much really but that's probably just because of the type of plants.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Family Genes

Tonight as I was putting Sydney to bed (way to late by any parents standards). I watched as she checked all the things that needed to be know, if everything was in order. She has to check if her school things have been signed....five or six times! Are her things in order??? Did she put her laptop (yes, I got her a laptop from a friend for her birthday...) and all the things that go with it, in their proper places, and so on. Well, as I was putting her to bed tonight, I remarked how she was just like her grandparents (my parents) ANAL! Not to mention my grandparents (her great-grandparents) and her aunts and uncle (basically my entire side of the family) and she says to write this down because it's priceless..."We're only anal because we care." LOL. Out of the mouths of babes...
A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A graduation

Today I had the great honor of attending a long-time friend's graduation. Teena and I were in high school together and we've just recently been reunited (thanks facebook!). After all these years we are still bff's...aren't we cute? I'm so proud of her!

Congrats Teena!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cat in a suitcase

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5:32 p.m.

I've been quite board so I decided to take pictures of what happened at 5:32 p.m. here at my house. Turns out it really isn't all that boring! I looked outside and the trees were swaying in the breeze, but this is a still picture so I guess this is just a picture of it growing...
Tater was relaxing, turns out she's REALLY long....
Then the dogs were lazily playing.....
Melia got all dolled up (she's practicing on high heels)...
Sydney was walking around....
and that's what happened at 5:32 p.m.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Good ol' Tater and some horseback riding

Well, Tater is back to her playful self as of this morning. She is eating and drinking like normal and has put on a few ounces. She weighed in at 10 lbs when she went to the hospital. Now, you need to know that she is about 14 inches tall and nothing but legs and a few ounces is completely noticeable on her. I tried to take some lively pictures of her but all she wanted to do is lay down and spread her legs for a good rub down. :)
Miss leggy herself! lol
Boy, Max is really content now that Tater is back! AWWW!
and Tater is content just to feel better! She is such a fighter! GO GIRL! If she were a cat she'd only have 7 lives left....let's hope she uses the next 14 years to use them up!

When I took Fluke in to get her shots Max tried and tried to get into the car. I think that he felt a little abandoned. Tater was gone and now Fluke was on her way out...OMG! He wasn't that comforted when I told him that I'd return with Fluke in tow in about an hour. He probably heard this..."blah,blah, Max. blah, blah, blah, Fluke. blah, blah, blah, good boy! blah, blah!" and I drove a way. Needless to say, he was happy to see her about an hour later. All is good with my pups.
Next thing...
Melia loves horses and riding on them, good thing because that's Chris' favorite thing! Sunday is the best day for riding and Melia got to drive the mule herself! yay! Spanky is about 17 years old and about as rambunctious as a turtle, so he is the best animal to learn on, well almost. You see he likes to walk a few paces and then stop and admire life's beauty (I guess that's what he's doing) so Chris taught Melia that you need to make him go! Yeah, and they traveled about 10 paces and Spanky decided to enjoy the view!...again. LOL

some instruction.....

Melia got a few rounds in the yard without Chis holding on, but it was s-l-o-w going...LOL!

Friday, May 1, 2009


I went in to check on Tater this afternoon with the girls and found that they had taken her off of the IV! I was so happy! I could actually pick her up and hold her! Yay! They said that she was ready to go and acted like she missed home. Unfortunately, little Oliver (the dog suffering from Provo in the cage below Tater) didn't make it. :( Max and Tater were so happy to see each other and get to play again. The vet bill was surprisingly reasonable she was in the pet hospital for 3 days and 3 nights, sent home with a round of antibiotic, and is alive all for $375. Well worth the money. Oh, and another accomplishment is that this is my 100th post! Thank you all for keeping up with my life! LOL

Video of Cockatoo Dancing

Have you seen this??? Way to cute.....the aawww of the day.