Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treating!

I decided this year that it would be fun to go into town and trick or treat door to door. The experience was great the amount of candy was pitiful...just pitiful! The kids got to see lots of kids in their different costumes and had fun roaming around in the dark with all the Halloween lights and decorations. After we were done in town we headed to the country where they hand out candy by the handful, they were all for it. The girls got just the right amount of, in Melia's words, "Booty". LOL! The best thing of the night...I got to jump out from behind a tree and I scared my girls when they were walking through a yard! HA! Good times.

All in all, we had a great little time!

Melia made a spider hat at school....

(she really was happy, I just missed a happy face...cute hat!)

One side note: While we were out in town trick-or-treating I saw a young family with the cutest costume theme. The parents (mid 20's) were dressed in bee keeper outfits (minus head gear), and they were carrying a sweet, little, new-to-this-world, itty-bitty baby Bee! They were just the cutest fam! Great idea for Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Science project

Sydney is growing bacteria for her 4th grade science project. I ordered some petri dishes online which came with the awger (bleached algea) to feed the bacteria. We took samples from between her toes, behind her ears, in her nose, in her mouth, and under her finger nails. Melia wanted to grow some bacteria also so I swabbed between all her fingers. 48 hours later and the bacteria are growing quite well, which is a relief because I don't want to have to buy more dishes and do this process over again. The most growth is from the sample I took from Melia! EEEWWWWW!!!! I took the top off of the dish and boy does that stuff stink!!! No wonder they make pre-k students wash their hands all the time! I will keep everyone updated and will post pictures at the end of the week when the project is over. I want you all to be impressed, or grossed out! lol!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nap time and Wolleyworms

Today I took my camera with me when I went to pick up Melia from Pre-K so I could take a picture of her during nap time. She's just too cute not too get a pic! Pre-K really tires her out...She's like a zombie for the first ten minuets after she gets up...I call her Betty Sceddie.

This is the woolleyworm that found Chris yesterday while he was directing traffic around a work zone. This little guy crossed two lanes of the road and stopped at Chris' feet. So Chris brought it home and it lives in Sydney's butterfly cage.

Looks like it's going to be a nice winter (mostly).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kissing Strawberry

I realized that I forgot to add this very cute kissing picture...
And some square watermellons!

Monday, October 20, 2008


With all the pumpkin carving and pictures of pumpkin carving I thought it would be interesting to see what other veggies are carved. These are the most interesting imo...

One smug tater!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Grave Robbers

Melia was gathering fall things to take to Preschool on Monday, you know, colored leaves, nuts, pine cones, and such. She went out in the back woods and stumbled upon our animal it's where we bury barn cats, chickens, goats, or whatever needs burring. She came in all excited about her wonderful find!.....a goat skull. She's not taking it to school on Monday.....'s educational. Sydney did the same thing. When she was three she dug up a cat skull. Good times around here! It really gets us in the Halloween spirit! BOO!

Funny Pictures

I was surfing the internet and came upon these amusing pictures...

I wish the hotel at the beach had this sign...I just never

It's good to know about historic places.

I have soooo wanted to put something like this on a test!!! Sometimes it's the only answer that makes since!


Friday, October 17, 2008

Cat vs. Printer

It's rainy and depressing outside....thank goodness for the funny clips from the Internet! :)

If they had it their way, cats would rule the world....and any weird thing would be destroyed!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I found this clip on Youtube and I just had to put it on here. Just too cute!! :)

TV goes digital

The trouble the older generation has with upgrading....

Monday, October 13, 2008


The girls are all ready for holloween. Sydney is a She-devil...very

She gives one hell of a devilish look!

Melia is a witch! with a pitchfork! Ha!
Max was too afraid to look...

Actually he was laying on my new beding and I didn't like that he was sleeping on it before me so I made him lay on the couch! Here he is on my bed.... the rascal!

We can't forget about Fluke! Half the time she looks like the Flying Nun! She's such a lune! It's obvious my house is haunted!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

They fell in the laundry basket...

This is spirit week at Salem Elementary school. Today was mismatch day and this is what the girls wore to school....

mismatched right down to their shoes & socks!
I told them when we were getting into the car to go to school that they looked like they fell in the laundry basket and got dressed in the dark. lol. Their mismatched shoes are each a different size (you can really tell in Melia's picture)

A few weeks ago Max started chewing holes in the blanket on my bed and then the blanket just fell apart with little holes all through it...and a few large ones.
Now the blanket is just a good time! And a good reason to buy a new set for the bed! I found that brown hides any dirt stains from little dog doesn't matter how much I scold or wash paws, he always likes to get on the bed and get hair on my bedding, this way the bedding is the same color as the dog which makes the hair less noticeable.

The comforter is a little shinier than I expected, but I'm pleased with the overall look. When I got a Reflexology treatment from mom a few weeks ago she had a super-fabulous blanket so I found one that was like hers...a microplush blanket. I love the new materials that they have come out with!