This morning Little B came to visit me while Lynda went to a Dr. appointment. Little B is talking a lot more. Lynda told me that Little B went to bed last night saying, "Aunt B house...bath. Aunt B house...bath." Needless to say that when I keep Little B during the day (when my kids are gone) I let her play in the bathtub. I think its great because it keeps her busy and she thinks it's great because, hey, what 2 yr old doesn't like to play in the tub? She comes out of the tub all wrinkly and I always threaten to eat her fingers! Cute kid!
After B left I headed out to the hot tub room to workout on my elliptical. I have a 30th birthday coming up in 8 weeks and I want to fit in my pants! I also want to have family pictures taken this spring and I want to look good. I have a closet full of nice clothes that I can't seem to squeeze all of my body into, and I will not buy bigger clothes...period.
Well, before I knew it, it was time for kids to be home. Sydney had a skate night for school. It's a reward for all the students that reached their reading goal for this nine weeks. This was the first time she reached her goal and she was very proud. So, I dropped her off, and Melia and I went to the grocery store to pick up some cupcakes that I will take to school tomorrow for her birthday. (I told Melia not to go to bed tonight so that she would stay four, but she told me that she would still turn five even if she stayed up all night. lol.) Sydney had basketball practice after skating so Chris had to pick up Sydney from the skating rink and take her to practice and then I pick her up from practice. ::phew:: I stay home to put Melia to bed because basketball practice is from 8:15 to 9:15 p.m. Needless to say that Sydney was exhausted when she went to bed and so was I! Drop them off, pick them up, take them here, take them there, and then put them to bed! Can anyone say, "Mom Taxi?" lol (Marsha, I don't know how you dedicate yourself to it all the time!) During the blurr of the day, Melia brought out one of her doll beds and Tater decided that she liked it very much....
She looks like a psycho dog! but we love her. Today she learned to jump up on the couch, which saves the aggravation of tyring to catch her (she jumps around A LOT!) and pull her onto the couch myself. One of her favorite things to play with is the eyeball off of her toy flea, which she has in her mouth in this picture...or maybe it's a pull string that turns on the light in her eyes?! LOL!
Then when I wanted to take more pictures of her, she started to lick my camera! She's gorgeous...
This has been a busy day, and it will be a very busy weekend. Tomorrow I cook birthday cake and lasagna! yum...
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