It's been awhile since I blogged so I'll catch you all up. Christmas was good, after all my shopping, money spending, boxing, wrapping, and placing the presents under the tree, the girls took all of seven (7) minuets to open all the I got Sydney a wii and Melia got the baby that she had been wanting along with most all of everything else that they wanted.
Also on Christmas day we put our trampoline back together. The wind had blown the entire thing into the woods and bent up the frame pretty bad. We now have the trampoline securely staked down with rope and twisty stakes, like the ones you use to stake you dog in the yard. It's a good thing too because the wind really whips around here in the winter! Actually it whips pretty hard in the fall, winter and spring but not a lick in the summer....sux!
I finally got around to cleaning out Melia's room. Sydney has outgrown Barbies and Melia really wanted them all moved into her room. That meant a serious clean out because her room is about the size of a large walk-in closet. I didn't take any before pictures, just look at the after pictures and imagine stuff everywhere.
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