Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Human Body

I've been experiencing a lot of stress latley, what with school (my classes), kids (and their homework), you know, life in general. Mom has been helping me (all be it painfully) and I've been helping her by her working one me. It's a cycle. Well, she worked on my feet (reflexology) nice, but ouch sometimes! She did some energy work where I had to do some SERIOUS deep breathing, which is HARD for an hour, (I'm a chest breather which is not the best kind) she is a seriously execellent worker on the energy let me tell ya, I didn't feel so good after, I went home and took a nap. (I need serious work!) Well, today mom did some work to release all the stress that I carry in my shoulders and chest. It was all great and I felt SO much better after! It was so nice to have all that energy released....all except the poking in my armpit! I mean it was my underarm! It was funny until it hurt....(mom was great... but it's my underarm!) Webster's deffinition of armpit is- the cavity beneath the shoulder. No one is supposted to go there! Then I looked up the word 'cavity' - the hollow place or part (not a poking part!!) And hollow? - sunken. All of these meanings lead me to the conclusion that it hurts like hell when you press and grind really hard to fix some sort of hidden muscle hidden way below the surface, but if it helps me not to be a hunchback than I'm all for it....my armpits are still sore....but my shoulders are not! Yeah! Thanks, Mom! What people go through to feel better! It's all good.