Saturday, October 31, 2009

Letterboxing on Holloween

A few weeks ago I heard about letterboxing from my facebook friend Laurie Eller. It's a type of treasure hunt for letterboxes that are hidden in different places all over the US. So, I checked out my area online and discovered there were a lot! We went to two different ones today in cemeteries. What better time than Halloween to go hunting through a cemetery or two right? The clues took us all around the cemetery and into the woods. Here's Sydney looking in the pile of tree limbs for the box. It was only lightly raining but it added to the mysteriousness of the day. The girls really enjoyed following all the clues, rain and all.
We saw this really creepy stone. Looks like a Hollywood movie prop.
Just a normal Halloween day walking through the grave yard. While we were there we came across the grave of one of Sydney's classmates that died last year. His name was Ayden Crawley and he accidentally hung himself from a tree in his backyard, so sad.
Well, it's still raining and doesn't show any signs of stopping...should make for an interesting time trick - or -treating!