Friday, January 15, 2010

Name Tags

Today I went into work as a shadow....ooooo...creeeepy! So, during my time there I basically just watched the experienced people prepare tax returns. It was great and I learned a lot. (people itemizing and all that) This has been the first job that I've had where time actually flew by! The best part of my work day (yeah, I have a "work day" :) ) was that I got an official NAME TAG! (it's the small things really) This name tag is magnetic! The name tag itself has a metal strip on it and there's a magnetic strip that sticks onto the name tag through your shirt, so much better than the pin type! so cool! AND it has MY name on it stating that I'm a tax preparer! I know!! can you believe it??? how super fab is that? ::giggles::
So, after 'shadowing' I now feel great/confident and really excited about doing it on my own. Did I mention how everyone in the office is really nice? In fact, Sandy (the office Accountant) made chili that tasted like heaven! I'm so happy with my job!!!! I once had a job as a cashier in our local Ingles and I absolutely HATED that job, lasted all of 6 weeks! I was afraid that I would never be happy working out 'there'. Well, as it turns out I will be! yay! I'M SO EXCITED!


MarshaR said...

>>>>watched the experienced people prepare tax returns<<<< Okay, only YOU would think watching this would make time fly by!!! LOL!!!!

I am SO happy for you!!!! I'm a THRILLED that you love your job so much!! AWESOME!!!! :)