Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Job

About a year ago, after I graduated from GWU, my aunt Meda suggested that I talk to a woman that she goes to church with who owns a Jackson Hewitt about the tax class that they give every year. So this summer I went in and had a job interview with the office manager, Stacie (a true gem of a lady!) and got some info about starting tax classes. Long story short, I took the class and got the job! Yay! (not everyone who takes the class gets the job.) It kinda felt like back in high school when I went out for a part in a play...I got the part, I got the part!!! Yeah, it was like that. So I had to go out and buy new clothes for my "work wardrobe" because no jeans allowed! I went shopping and was very successful! (that's a rare occurrence) I came home with 3 pairs of slacks (LOL! slacks...haha! sorry that's a word that older people use and now I'm using it. ::giggles:: ), a sweater, and new (high heel platform type) shoes. The shoes were a must because well, I'm short and the pants weren't so I pretty much NEED the platform type shoes. Funny thing is that when I come home and take them off I feel SO short, like I've come down a few stories! Anyway, I've been in training for the past week. The super fabulous thing?....I actually get PAID to learn things! again I say...YAY! Well, today I passed all the state required tests and tomorrow I get to shadow people and Monday....I get to be the one on the other side of the desk (dressed all professional) and looking like I know what I'm doing! Things are going great!
I'm so glad to get out of this house and join society again! It got to the point where I would wake up, take the kids to school, and sit in front of the computer until I finally got around to take a shower. Of course there's always laundry, dishes, yada, yada, know, all the bitch work (yeah, I said it). BOOO!!! I'd clean the house but to no real end! The kids come home and put their stuff everywhere anyway (not to mention the blanket fort that is always in the living room!) sigh. Needless to say, I'm enjoying this new era in my life!


MarshaR said...

YEAH!! That is GREAT news!! I'm so glad you are getting out of the house and DOIN STUFF!! LOL!